Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Heavens and the Earth

When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers~
the moon and the stars you set in place... Psalm 8:3

Oh the wonders of God, our Creator! I recently was in awe, again, of God's majesty and power! I had just attended our evening Sunday service and watched a DVD talking about the intricacies of the heavens and earth. The DVD featured allot of very smart looking scientist (one even wore a white lab coat to accentuate his intelligence!) talking about the delicate balance of the earth’s axis, along with the core thickness of the earth’s crust. They told about the mysteries that lie in the star filled galaxy and how one can travel 500million light years and still not get to the end of the heavens. It was all very complicated and to be quite honest waaaaaaaay over my head. However, I did enjoy each fact given and every scientific insight shared. I was truly in awe at the wonder of our Creator.

Later that night Kevin and I loaded the kids up in the truck to go to the drive-in movie theater to see Wall-E. We filled the bed of the truck with blankets and sleeping bags, pillows, and snacks. Kevin finally found the "perfect" parking spot after three different attempts. We began preparing our sleeping bags and piling on the blankets as the temperatures were dropping that night. As we all settled in to watch the movie I couldn’t help but stare up at the night’s sky. WOW! The sight was unbelievable! Were there always this many stars in the sky? I asked myself. It was a beautiful and overwhelming portrait. I couldn’t imagine counting each one – there were so many. It was fascinating to look at the stars with the new perspective given through the DVD we had viewed at church. From under my blanket I quietly leaned over to Kevin and whispered “Pssst”, (he was engrossed in the movie at this point). When I finally got his attention I pointed up at the sky. It took him a minute to grasp what I was getting at, until I saw him smile. He too was taking in the wonder of it all.

The Psalms proclaims God's creation but the Psalmist goes deeper when he writes:

He counts the stars and calls them all by name. Psalm 147:4

If your feeling "small" and invisible today, I encourage you to go outside and look up at the night sky. As you look at the abundance of stars remember that the same God who created all of those is the same God that created you. Jut think... if He calls the stars by name how much more intimate is His knowledge of you? Dear friend, God sees you, He knows you, and He loves you!

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