Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cleaning Day!

As a part of my year of “getting real” I have really been made aware of the topic of sin lately (thank you Pastor Rick!). Sin is something you can't see, smell, taste, or touch. It comes not from the outside but it truly a condition of the heart. But when sin is manifested in action THEN we are able to see it. Sin starts as a thought. Whether it is in a moment or whether we have had a lot of time to think about it. I have been praying for several people around me lately who have been making some gigantic sinful choices. But this morning during Sunday service I was reminded of the scripture in both Matthew and Luke that tells me not be concerned about the speck in my brother's eye before I take the plank from my own eye. I didn't think I had a lot of un-repented for sin in my life, but God reminded me that "sin is sin". It's not measured on a scale, but measured by the heart. I am doing some heavy duty cleaning today. Not with a dust rag and vacuum, but through time in prayer and the Word.

1 Samuel 16:7: "God does not see the same way people see. People look at the outside of a person but the Lord looks at the heart."

I want to commit today to making sure that my heart is pleasing to Him. Is today cleaning day for you too?

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